Daily Forecast

By 7425wpczar,


The Earth Networks ENCast City 10 Day‐Night Forecast Feed provides a descriptive day and night period forecast covering the next 10 days. The day period of the forecast is considered to be 7am‐7pm local time, while the night period of the forecast is considered to be the hours straddling the date change from 7 pm to 7 am local time. This forecast will be available for 2.6 million cities across the entire globe and will be available in multiple languages.





Name Type Description
locationtype string “city” or “latitudelongitude”
location string a valid cityId or valid latitude/longitude. For the cityId use “Location Search v2” API call.



Name Type Description
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key string Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile.

Hourly Forecast

By 7425wpczar,


The hourly forecast call provides hourly forecast data by lat/long. The data itself is updated once an hour at around 20 minutes after the hour. The forecast includes a description of the conditions for that hour. The description will be translated into additional languages according to the culture passed in.

Request URL:



The latitude and longitude location type will only provide data if there is a city within 40 miles of the latitude and longitude requested.


Request parameters:

locationtype string „city“ or “latitudelongitude”
latitude string  
longitude string  
location string a valid EN „CityId“ from Search Location or longitude,latitude

Optional parameters:

verbose (optional) boolean true, false
units string the units determine the return type for the system. Currently the following values are supported: english = all units are returned in English units metric = all units are returned Metric units
metadata boolean determines if metadata should be returned in the response. Metadata can be used to describe the data returned by the feed
offset Number determines the starting period to return. A value of 0 will return the current UTC hour. This means if the forecast hasn’t updated yet for the current hour then it may mean that only 143 periods of forecast data are returned. Default is 0
length number determines the number of forecast periods to return. This value can be between 1 and 144. If there is less data then the value, all the data will be returned. Default is 144

Request headers:

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key string Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile.


Real Time Weather Observations V3

By 7425wpczar,


The Earth Networks Observation Data Feed will provide you with a set of current condition data based on the location or station id requested. For Location the logic is in place to always return the best observation for the location requested based on age, distance and accuracy. For station id the logic is to always return observations for that station id.

Request URL:


v3 Parameters for Latitude/Longitude:

Request parameters:

Description Input options Default
location Latitude and Longitude Coordinates Must be valid Latitude/Longitude in format: “<Latitude>,<Longitude>” N/A

Optional parameters:

Description Input options Default
units Metric or English units “metric” or “english” “metric”
cultureinfo Language “en-en” (English), “es-es” (Spanish) “en-en”
verbose Abbreviations (false) or long variable names (true) “false” or “true” “false”

Request headers:

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key string Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile.

v3 Parameters for StationId:

Request parameters:

Description Input options Default
providerid Provider the station is part of Must be validID from Search Weather StationAPI for station N/A
stationid Identifier forstation Must be validID from Search Weather StationAPI for station N/A

Optional parameters:

Description Input options Default
units Metric or English units “metric” or “english” “metric”
cultureinfo Language “en-en” (English), “es-es” (Spanish) “en-en”
verbose Abbreviations (false) or long variable names (true) “false” or “true” “false”

Request headers:

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key string Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile.

Observation Variables:

The table below outlines the Observation variables contained within the Observation data feed. It also defines the units, format, min/max values, and precision for each variable.

Please note that extensive quality control measures of the data will be implemented to ensure that data values are reasonable. While rare, it is possible that data may occasionally be missing in the Observation Data Feed. If the data is missing, it will be saved as “Null”. A null space is defined as being this: Null = ‘ ‘.