Sunrise and Sunset Times
Filed under: Uncategorized
Comments: None
Sunrise and Sunset provides accurate sunrise and sunset times based on latitude and longitude. Default behavior when optional parameters NumDays, ShowSunrise and ShowSunset are omitted is to display both sunrise and sunset data for seven days beginning with the current day.
Request URL:,-77&verbose=true&days=2
Request parameters:
locationtype | string | „city“ or “latitudelongitude” |
location | string | „CityId“ from Search Location or Longitude,Latitude |
Optional parameters:
days | number | number of days you want data for. The default is 1 meaning only the current day. The number of days includes the current day and any subsequent days in local time (max:10) |
verbose (optional) | boolean | true, false |
cultureInfo (optional) | string | en-us, es-es |
Request headers:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | string | Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile. |
Days must be < = 10