Radar and Maps
Filed under: Uncategorized
Comments: None
Radar and Maps provides URLs for Satellite, Radar, and Temperature maps as well as other various images of the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Maps can be provided in standard (373×272) size or enlarged (640×480) size. Earth Networks provides the capability for end users to navigate between maps (traveling N, S, E, W), and to zoom in and out between local, regional, and national maps. Navigation XML can be optionally added to provide a way to create an interface for your users to pan and zoom throughout the maps.
An animation option allows for a number of time-sequential images to be returned. Cycling through these images provides for a small animation loop. Note that images should be used in the same order as they are returned in the XML. Radar and Maps provide specific information for the given zip code or city code RequestType “RadarAndMaps” or 5.
Request URL:
Request parameters:
RequestType | string | 5 or RadarAndMaps |
Optionaly required parameters:
ZipCode | A valid 5-digit zip code or 9- digit zip code |
The zip code for the area that you wish to have data returned for. We now support 9-digit zipcodes. For example, 20171, 20171- 1234 both of these formats will be accepted if passed in |
PostalCode | 5-digit number |
A series of letters and/or digits appended to a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. |
CityCode | integer |
The city code that identifies this location. This is the value that will be used in other calls to identify a specific list of stations for the provided city code |
Optional parameters:
MapType |
1 = Doppler Radar 2 = Infrared Satellite 3 = Satellite/Radar 4 = Visible Satellite 5 = Current Temperatures 6 = High Temps Today 7 = High Temps Tomorrow 8 = Wind Chill/Heat Index 9 = Wind Speed/Direction 10 = Topography |
The type of map to retrieve. Not all map types are available in all zip codes, such as Puerto Rico. |
Zoom (Only for US) |
1 = Local (closest view) 2 = Metro 3 = Regional 4 = National 8 = Hawaii 10 = Alaska 12 = Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands |
The zoom level for the map to retrieve. If you desire a map of Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands, be sure to specify the corresponding Zoom level. Not all map types are available in all zoom levels. |
Animate |
0 or blank = Show only the current map URL 1 = Show a list of URLs for animation loops |
Provides the animation image list, rather than a single image XML in the response. |
Navigation | An XML Node containing an ID attribute as well as two sub-nodes. | Contains information about the current category ID and has sub-nodes to indicate the next and previous categories. |
Enlarge |
0 or blank = Show standard size map URL(s) 1 = Show large image URL(s) |
when 0 is entered standard is returned 363×272 images in the XML response. When 1 is entered enlarged is returned 640×480 images |
Request headers:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | string | Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile. |